
Signup here to access the Three Percenters MCC online home and to start the membership process (please note we are an MCC, not an MC and have no 'prospect' conditions, we're just a bunch of guys and girls who are interested in motorcycling and happen to all be in recovery).

After submitting this online form, the membership secretary will be notified of your sign-up to the website and will activate your account as soon as possible.

If you have questions or would just like to speak to us before you sign up then drop us an email using our contact form.

We have some questions on the online user registration which are to help our membership administration, such as your postal address and telephone number. Your address is hidden from non-administrators.

The signup also asks for your sobriety/clean date. This confirms you are at least 3 months clean and sober and is also used for us to be able to send you a birthday card on your sobriety birthday and for us to put you in the list of members who have birthdays that quarter in the newsletter.

Fields marked with * need to be completed.

Only our club administrators use your personal information to provide you with a quarterly newsletter (via post) and a birthday card on your sobriety/clean date birthday (via post) and emails with details of events, club information and membership details. We do not share any information with anyone outside of the club, we respect privacy and do not use any information for anything but normal day to day club running. If you cancel your membership or membership is not renewed, we will delete your information. If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out to our membership secretary using the contact form. By signing up to the website, you accept these terms. Our Privacy Policy can be viewed here
Personal Information